Francine Arnold, Plymouth, WI

Picture of Francine Arnold

Name: Francine Arnold

Location: Plymouth, WI


  • Master’s Certificate in Dispute Resolution, Marquette University
  • Master’s of Science in Human Resource Management, Marquette University School of Business
  • Psychology, Bachelor’s of Science, Middle Tennessee State University

Current Position:

  • Owner/Mediator, Arnold Mediation Services LLC
  • Mediator, Sheboygan County Family Court for child placement and custody disputes
  • Mediator, Wisconsin Special Education Mediation System
  • Member, Wisconsin Association of Mediators

Mediation Experience: I have mediated over 1400 cases in a variety of areas since 2001.

Perspective on Special Education Mediation:
Mediation is a chance for people to share information and ideas, and explore and create options to try and resolve a dispute. As a neutral mediator, my job is to manage the mediation process while encouraging conversation and negotiation among the participants. Creating an informal meeting promotes openness and flexibility, and the tone is set to have a full focus on the child’s best interest. The full value of the mediation is reached when all important information and viewpoints are shared in an effort to reach a solid agreement.

Past Positions: Human Resource manager, Pillsbury/Grand Metropolitan; Contractual Employment Specialist, Nissan Motor Manufacturing Corp.

I am a parent of a child with learning challenges.