
How and when do I schedule an IEP facilitation?

An IEP facilitation should be requested at least two weeks before a scheduled meeting.  If you think an IEP team meeting will be difficult for you (for example, if you feel that there may be a lack of trust, or you are worried about problems with communication) then scheduling an IEP facilitation may prevent the potential conflict from developing into a more serious dispute.

In some cases, when parties have become very positioned on a certain issue and communication is already difficult, the WSEMS may suggest considering mediation as a more appropriate way to try to resolve the issue.

If a date is already set for the IEP meeting, the Intake Coordinator works with the parties to find a mutually agreed upon facilitator who is available on the date already set for the meeting.

If no date is set for the meeting, the facilitator will work with the parties to set up a date convenient for everyone. The district is responsible for sending out the invitation letter and making sure all proper documents are brought to the meeting.

On the WSEMS website at is a short video in which Jane Burns, a former System Administrator/Mediation Partner thoroughly explains how to directly access the WSEMS system.